New Opportunities, Greater Impact

To help our communities, we can’t just maintain the status quo. There’s more to do, more we can do, by uniting diverse minds, skillsets, and networks to support the greater needs in our communities and beyond. We need to step up to help solve complex social issues facing our country and our world when help is needed most.

Learn more

Innovating Together for a Brighter Future

Learn how the Booz Allen Foundation is supporting innovators from the public, private, academic, and social sectors to jumpstart cutting-edge solutions that build pathways to help traditionally underserved communities achieve a brighter future in the Foundation’s 2020 annual report.

Booz Allen Foundation Innovation Fund

On April 30, 2020, the Booz Allen Foundation established a $1 million Innovation Fund to help nonprofits, entrepreneurs, thought leaders, innovators at colleges and universities, start-ups, and small businesses harness the power of data, technology, and diverse intellectual capital to improve COVID-19 relief efforts and make a difference.

Meet our 21 Booz Allen Foundation Innovation Fund grant winners.